DUATS Quick Path (tm) --------------------- Quick Path is a means to avoid the use of DUATS menus. Quick Path is designed for the expert user and is a convenient means of getting to DUATS services that are frequently used. 1.0 Format Quick Path can be activated entering the "#" symbol followed by the Quick Path name at any menu prompt. The format of the Quick Path name is: QQQ[S\p1\p2\...\pn] where QQQ is the 3 character Quick Path identifier S option which sets continuous scrolling \p1\p2...\pn optional user responses to prompts The 'S' option allows the data to be sent continuously. This is helpful if you are simultaneously printing or capturing the data to a file. Setting this option does not modify your lines per page default parameter. Each user response must be separated by a '\'. Don't specify a response for any prompt in which you want to accept the default or in some cases left blank. For example, to accept the default Aircraft Tail Number in an Encode, use #ENC\\ALBANY instead of #ENC\N1234\ALBANY. Don't specify a response to any prompt in which you would enter only a carriage return (CR). 1.1 Quick Path Pause Normally a Quick Path entry is a response to a prompt. Quick Path Pause gives you the option of pausing in the middle of your Quick Path string and be prompted for a response. If you use a '#' as an entry in your Quick Path string: - all entries prior to '#' are Quick Pathed, - the prompt for the field '#' is displayed, - after entering a correct value, Quick Path continues until the end of the Quick Path string or until an error occurs. For example, #WDR\\gtf\100\ns\#\0200\q\ - pauses in this request for notam summary Radius Weather to prompt for 'Departure time:', then continue. 1.2 Quick Exit You can exit DUATS after completion of a service by specifying BYE as a response in the Quick Path name. 2.0 Partial Quick Path Names and Errors The user has the option of specifying a complete Quick Path name with a response for every service prompt or a partial list. If a partial list is specified, the next prompt will be displayed. If a Quick Path user response is in error, an error message is displayed and the user must correct that entry and the remaining entries in the Quick Path string. This is done manually. 3.0 Quick Path Identifiers Each Quick Path Identifier is a 3 character string. Flight plan services begin with the letter 'F', weather services begin with 'W' and all plain language weather services begin with 'P'. 3.1 Exit DUATS BYE - Exit DUATS 3.2 Encode/Decode DEC - Decode ENC - Encode EXT - Extended Decode FWC - FAA/Weather Contractions 3.3 Flight Plan FPD - Use Default Flight Plan FPF - Be Prompted for Flight Plan FPA - Amend Flight Plan FPC - Cancel Flight Plan LOG - Flight Planner 3.4 Weather Briefings WLO - Low Alt Weather Brief WIN - Inter Alt Weather Brief WHI - High Alt Weather Brief WRT - Route Brief With Selected Report Types WLN - Local Brief Standard Briefing WLS - Local Brief With Selected Report Types WSE - Selected Location Weather WSC - State/Collective Weather WDR - Defined Radius Weather 3.5 Plain Language Weather PLO - Plain Low Alt Weather Brief PIN - Plain Inter Alt Weather Brief PHI - Plain High Alt Weather Brief PRT - Plain Route Brief With Selected Report Types PLN - Plain Local Brief Standard Briefing PLS - Plain Local Brief With Selected Types PSE - Plain Selected Location Weather PSC - Plain State/Collective Weather PDR - Plain Defined Radius Weather 4.0 Prompts and Examples Most responses can be specified as part of the Quick Path name. This section lists all applicable prompts for each DUATS service. Examples are provided. Due to the nature of several of the services, the user interface will remain interactive. An example of this is Amending and Canceling flight plans where the user must examine the flight plan before deciding whether to cancel or amend the file. Another interactive example is when a preferred route is identified. In this case, the preferred routes must be examined before continuing. Plain language weather has two additional prompts. The first is specifying the time zone. The user has the option of entering the first letter of the time zone or the number of the menu selection which corresponds to the time zone. For example, the user can enter P or 4 for Pacific time zone prior to entering the appropriate briefing information. The second prompt, which follows the display of the FAA/NWS weather, is that the user has accepted the Plain Language liability and wants to continue. If a 'q or Q' is specified, plain language will not be displayed. 4.1 BYE (Exit DUATS) Please confirm exit (Y/N), or enter S to start new session: Example: #BYE\S - This will terminate current DUATS session and restart another. 4.2 ENC (Encode) Enter aircraft tail number: Enter name: Examples: #ENCS\\PITTSBURGH - Encode "PITTSBURGH" using default tail number with continuous scrolling. #enc\n1234\sharon - Encode sharon for tail number n1234. 4.3 DEC (Decode) Enter aircraft tail number: Enter ident(s): Examples: #DEC\N1234\IAD - Decode IAD for tail number N1234. #dec\\iad dca bwi pit - Decode multiple identifiers. 4.4 EXT (Extended Decode) Enter aircraft tail number: Enter ident(s): Example: #EXT\N1234\IAD - Extended Decode IAD for tail number N1234. 4.5 FWC (FAA/NWS Contractions) Enter contraction(s): Example: #FWC\XCP ADIZ - Expands contractions XCP and ADIZ 4.6 FPF (Be Prompted for Flight Plan) Type of flt plan: (IFR/VFR) Aircraft tail number: Acft type/special equip: True airspeed: (knots) Departure point: Destination: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Altitude: (hundreds of ft) Route: Est time enroute: (hhmm) Remarks: Fuel on board: (hhmm) Alternate destination(s): Pilot's name: Address: Phone no. (nnn nnn nnnn): Aircraft home base: Number aboard: Color of aircraft: Dest contact name: Phone no. (nnn nnn nnnn): Enter field number(s) to correct, 'F' to file, 'S' to save, 'FS' to file and save, or 'Q' to quit: Examples: #FPF\I\\\100\PIT\BWI\1230\110\DIRECT\0300\\0500\\\\\\2\\\\F\ This is an example of filing an IFR flight plan from PIT to BWI at 12:30 GMT with 2 aboard, taking a DIRECT route at 100 knots with 0500 hours of fuel aboard with estimate 3 hours enroute. Default values or values from the pilot record are used for the blanked fields. The filed flight plan will be displayed. #FPF\I\\\100\PIT\BWI\+90\110\DIRECT\0300\\0500\\\\\\2\\\\FS\ This is an example of an IFR flight plan from PIT to BWI with a departure time of current time plus 90 minutes with 2 aboard, taking a DIRECT route at 100 knots with 0500 hours of fuel aboard with estimate 3 hours enroute. Default values or values from the pilot record are used for the blanked fields. This flight plan is displayed, saved and filed. 4.7 FPD (Use Default Flight Plan) Enter default flight plan number, 'L' for list, or 'Q' to quit: Enter field number(s) to correct, 'F' to file, 'S' to save, 'FS' to file and save, or 'Q' to quit: Enter default flight plan number, 'A' to add, 'D' to delete, or 'Q' to quit: Enter default flight plan number to delete: Examples: #FPD\1 or #FPD\L\1 - This displays the first default flight plan stored by the pilot. #FPD\1\F or #FPD\L\1\F - This displays and files the first default flight plan stored by the pilot. #FPD\L - This lists the pilot's default flight plans, identified by the departure and destination points. #FPD\L\D\5 - This displays the fifth default flight plan stored and give the pilot the option of deleting the plan. 4.8 FPA (Amend Flight Plan) Enter aircraft tail number: Example: #FPA\N1234 - This displays the flight plan filed for N1234 and give the user the option of modifying any field. 4.9 FPC (Cancel Flight Plan) Enter aircraft tail number: Example: #FPC\N1234 - This displays the flight plan files for N1234 and give the user the option of canceling. 4.10 WLO, WIN, WHI (Low, Intermediate, and High Weather Briefing) Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Destination: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Altitude: (hundreds of ft) Route: Est time enroute: (hhmm) Want SA/FT's along route (Y/N): * only applies to high altitude Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) Examples: #WLOS\N3421\SFO\MIA\1230\110\DIRECT\0900\Y - Note, continuous scrolling has been specified and the user selects to decline receiving the FDC NOTAMs that are not associated with an affected facility. #WHI\\bos\iad\0900\220\\0300\Y\\ - Note, this user will receive the SA/FT's and the FDC NOTAMs along the route. #WHI\\bos\iad\+120\220\\0300\Y\\ - Note, the time of departure is current time pus 120 minutes, and this user will receive the SA/FT's and the FDC NOTAMs along the route. 4.11 WRT (Route Briefing With Selected Report Types) Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Destination: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Altitude: (hundreds of ft) Route: Est time enroute: (hhmm) Weather Types: Want SA/FT's along route (Y/N): * only applies to high altitude Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Additional Weather Types (/Q): Examples: #WRT\N3421\SFO\MIA\1230\110\DIRECT\0900\SA\\ - Note, this user has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. #wrt\\bos\pit\1400\220\\0600\fdc\y\y\\ - Note, since this user is flying high altitude, the user adds the response to accept the SA/FT's along the route. Also, since FDC is specified as a weather type, the user requested to decline the FDC NOTAMS. #WRT\N3421\SFO\MIA\+90\110\DIRECT\0900\SA\\ - Note, the departure time is current time plus 90 minutes, and this user has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. 4.12 WLN (Local Brief Standard Briefing) Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) Example: #WLN\\PIT\1600\Y #WLN\\PIT\+120\Y - Note, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes. 4.13 WLS (Local Brief With Selected Report Types) Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Weather Types: Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Additional Weather Types (/Q): Example: #WLS\\PIT\1600\FT,SA\Q\BYE\Y - This exits DUATs after presenting the local terminal forecast and surface observation for Pittsburgh, PA. Also note, this user has declined the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. Example: #WLS\\PIT\+90\FT,SA\Q\\ - Note, the departure time is current time plus 90 minutes, and this user has declined the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. 4.14 WSE (Selected Location Weather) Enter aircraft tail number: Locations: Types: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Examples: #WSES\\dca\ft sa\0900 #WSES\\dca\ft sa\+90 - Note, the departure time is current time plus 90 minutes. 4.15 WSC (State/Collective Weather) Enter aircraft tail number: Enter State/Collective Id: Collectives Exist: * only applies when Collectives exist for specified State id Weather Types [SA,UA,NS,SD,FD,FT] Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Est time enroute: (hhmm) Additional Weather types (/Q): Example: #WSC\\wa\ft sa\0900\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the state of Washington, the file types FT and SA, and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. Example: #WSC\\ca\nocal cntcal\sa ua ns\0900\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the state of California, the collectives displaying weather for Northern and Central California, the file types SA, UA and NS, and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. Example: #WSC\\wtx\sa\+90\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the Western Texas, the departure time is current time plus 90 minutes, the file type SA,and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. Example: #WSC\\wa\ft sa\+120\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the state of Washington, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes, the file types FT and SA, and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. 4.16 WDR (Defined Radius Weather) Enter aircraft tail number: Departure Point: Distance: nm [25] Weather Types: [SA,FT,UA,SD,FD,NS] Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Est time enroute: (hhmm) Additional Weather types (/Q): Example: #WDR\\gtf\100\ns\2300\0200\q\ - Note, this user has requested notam weather for 100 nautical miles from Great Falls and has declined to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. Example: #WDR\\gtf\100\ns\+120\0200\q\ - Note, this user has requested notam weather for 100 nautical miles from Great Falls, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes, and has declined to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. 4.17 PLO, PIN, PHI (Low, Inter, and High Plain Weather Briefing) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Destination: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Altitude: (hundreds of ft) Route: Est time enroute: (hhmm) Want SA/FT's along route (Y/N): * only applies to high altitude Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) Liability Acceptance: (/Q) Examples: #PIN\E\N5434\bwi\alb\0700\175\\0400\Y\\ - This example sets Eastern time zone and wants to continue with the Plain Language text. #PIN\E\N5434\bwi\alb\+120\175\\0400\Y\\ - This example sets Eastern time zone, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes and wants to continue with the Plain Language text. #phi\\\sac\lax\0700\220\\0300\y\y\q - This example uses the default Eastern time zone and doesn't wish to continue with Plain Language. Also note that the user wants all the SA/FT's along the route but has declined to receive the FDC NOTAMs not associated with the affected facility. 4.18 PRT (Plain Route Briefing With Selected Report Types) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Destination: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Altitude: (hundreds of ft) Route: Est time enroute: (hhmm) Weather Types: Want SA/FT's along route (Y/N): * only applies to high altitude Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Additional Weather Types (/Q): Liability Acceptance: (/Q) Example: #PRT\P\N3421\SFO\MIA\1230\110\DIRECT\0900\SA,FT\Q\\ Example: #PRT\P\N3421\SFO\MIA\+90\110\DIRECT\0900\SA,FT\Q\\ - Note, the departure time is current time plus 90 minutes. 4.19 PLN (Plain Local Brief Standard Briefing) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) Liability Acceptance: (/Q) Example: #PLN\E\\san\0900\\\BYE Example: #PLN\E\\san\+120\\\BYE - Note, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes. 4.20 PLS (Plain Local Brief With Selected Types) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Departure point: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Weather Types: Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Additional Weather Types (/Q): Liability Acceptance: (/Q) Examples: #PLS\E\\san\0900\SA\\\ #PLS\E\\san\+60\SA\\\ Note - the departure time is current time plus 60 minutes. #PLS\H\\lax\1430\fdc\y\q\\ - Note, since FDC was listed as a weather type, the response to the 'Decline FDC NOTAMS' prompt must be added. 4.21 PSE (Plain Selected Location Weather) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Locations: Types: Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Decline FDC NOTAMS: (Y/N) * only applies when FDC is specified as a weather type Liability Acceptance: (/Q) Example: #PSES\C\\dca\ft,sa\0900\\ Example: #PSES\C\\dca\ft,sa\+120\\ - Note, the departure time is current time plus 120 minutes. 4.22 PSC (Plain State/Collective Weather) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Enter State/Collective Id: Collectives Exist: * only applies when Collectives exist for specified State id Weather Types [SA,UA,NS,SD,FD,FT] Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Est time enroute: (hhmm) Additional Weather types (/Q): Liability Acceptance: (/Q): #PSC\P\\OR\sd ft\2300\0100\\\ #PSC\P\wa\ft sa\0900\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the state of Washington, the file types FT and SA, and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. #PSC\P\wa\ft sa\+60\0100\\ - Note, this user has requested the weather for the state of Washington, the file types FT and SA, the departure time is current time plus 60 minutes, and has requested to receive the additional In-flight Advisory weather types. 4.23 PDR (Plain Defined Radius Weather) Timezone: Enter aircraft tail number: Departure Point: Distance: nm [25] Weather Types: [SA,FT,UA,SD,FD,NS] Departure time: UTC (hhmm) Est time enroute: (hhmm) Additional Weather types (/Q): Liability Acceptance: (/Q): Example: #PDR\C\\gtf\100\ns\2300\0200\q\\ Example: #PDR\C\\gtf\100\ns\+60\0200\q\\ Note, the departure time is current time plus 60 minutes. 4.24 LOG (Flight Planner) The Quick Path option for the flight planner differs slightly from the Quick Path entry for other parts of DUATS. Only users that have stored performance data are eligible to use Flight Planner Quick Path. Since the flight planner is highly interactive, and different input options will result in different prompts, the Quick Path option for the planner has been set up to always accept a single form of input: #LOG\from\to\time\routing\tail\type\altitude For example: #LOG\rhv\trk\0200\*a\n6506c\\115 would request a plan from Reid-Hillview (RHV) to Truckee (TRK) departing at 0200 UTC, routed via shortest-path airways (*A), in aircraft N6506C, using stored parameters for that aircraft, cruising at 11,500 feet. That same request could also be entered as: #LOG\rhv\trk\0200\1\n6506c\n6506c\11500 Note that "*a" is replaced by "1", which is the menu choice number for automatic routing via low-altitude airways. "*a" will work even if the routing menu is revised at some future time; "1" may refer to a different option in the future. A more complex user-specified route request can also be given: #LOG\rhv\smo\1700\*g gmn *a\n2901t\warrior\7500 would request a plan from Reid-Hillview (RHV) to Santa Monica (SMO) departing at 1700 UTC, routed via LORAN direct (*G) to Gorman (GMN) and then via shortest-path airways (*A) to Santa Monica,in aircraft N2901T, using stored parameters for a Warrior, cruising at 7,500 feet. #LOG\\\\*a\\\ would request a plan via low-altitude airways using previously- entered data for all other inputs: departure airport, destination airport, departure time, N-number, and cruise altitude. The N-number also specifies the aircraft type, and performance data must have been stored for this N-number. Routing may either be specified by a menu choice number or may be a user-selected routing string (e.g., *a); valid menu choices are: 1. automatically selected shortest path, via low altitude airways 3. automatically selected shortest path, via a combination of low altitude airways and VOR-direct segments 4. great-circle routing for LORAN 5. great-circle routing for RNAV (fix/radial/distance) equipment Automatic routing via jet routes cannot be specified using menu choice 2 -- instead, it may be specified by stating the departure procedure or fix, *J, and the arrival procedure or fix. Explicit routing options are described in detail in section 4.3. As an example, from San Jose to Chicago, the routing "loupe8.sac *j dbq.jvl1" could be used: #LOG\sjc\ord\1400\loupe8.sac *j dbq.jvl1\n302ua\b737\330 The aircraft type may be: (1) null ("\\"), in which case the current tail number will be used (2) a string, in which case the stored aircraft profiles will be searched for aircraft performance data with this name (3) a menu item number from the "Select Aircraft Performance Data" menu, in which case that selection will be used As with all other input to the flight planning system, input is case-insensitive (upper or lower case will be accepted). No interactive confirmation will be performed. If any problems are detected with the Quick Path string, the entire command will be rejected and you will be returned to the DUATS main menu. 5.0 Scripting using Quick Path Quick Path will facilitate setting up scripts of frequently used services. If you are using DUATS Golden Eagle software, the ALT-F1 and ALT-F2 keys can be used to login to DUATS, automate your Access Code and Password command string, and request a DUATS service. When editing the Alt-F1 script, it is recommended that you never edit or delete the TERMINAL ID (**013000**) as this will block access to several DUATS services. You can add your Access Code and Password after the Terminal Id. When you enter information in either the ALT-F1 or ALT-F2 box, be sure to insert a carriage return (bar [|]) after entering your Access Code followed by pauses using the Tilde [~]. +-----------------+ | ALT-F1 | For example: The access code, 10000001, | ~~~~~~~~~~**130 | is followed by a hard return and a 2 | 000**10000001|~ | second pause, followed by the password, | ~FLYING|~| | FLYING, and 2 hard returns which will place | | you at the DUATS Main Menu. +-----------------+ The Alt-F2 key can be used to automate any frequently used service. Follow the same rules as for the Alt-F1 scripting with regards to pauses and use of the Tilde and hard returns. The Alt-F2 key is not automatic like the Alt-F1. When you wish to use it just press [Alt] and [F2] simultaneously. +-----------------+ For example, the Quick Path identifier, | ALT-F2 | WLN, is used to obtain an IAD Local | #WLNS\\IAD\1530 | Standard briefing at 15:30. The continuous | \BYE\Y| | scroll option is set. The Quick Path name | | is followed with a hard return. | | +-----------------+